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The  "Tarot card of the month" 

For March 2012:

"Wheel of Fortune"
oil on canvas, 5.2 x 3 ft.
An-Magrith Erlandsen
Mercury moves into retrograde on the 14th, this means that anything that anyone has instigated against you will fail for them. The retrograde
process is one of backfiring where one should have been successful there will be failure, where one ought to fail one will be successful.
Thine enemies will turn down on the wheel of fortune to failure as you turn up towards successful wins and accolades. The Wheel also reminds us
to be conscious of our past and all we have learned and experienced, and to find the fullness of your being in the now. You are on the threshold
on the Wheel of Fortune, as you teeter on the top of the wheel you have a new life, a new chance, a new beginning by integrating consciously
and fully your past with all its shadows and owning your truth. Strength is yours as you revolve about the wheel meeting all fortune and misfortune
head on, with determination! Remember life is but a game, enjoy all its trials and tribulations. Feel deep and think well and your
Higher Self will be with you always.
Tarot of the Pomegranate

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